What is it about a new year that makes you want to get your life in order? Maybe it's the fresh start that a new year seems to bring, or maybe there are things that you want to change and a new year seems to be a great time to do that. I used to make long lists of things I was going to work on. Sometimes these lists would be on paper, sometimes just in my head, but usually I wouldn't accomplish much either way. I realized with a young family, that my goals needed to be simple and few in number if I expected to accomplish them. Now my kids are all in school, and I can accomplish more, but I still find that setting a lot of goals is rarely productive for me. I have also learned to not feel discouraged if I don't accomplish all my goals. Lets say I make a goal to read 20 books in a year, and I only read 5-isn't that better then nothing? I always tell my kids to not give up on their scripture reading goals, because I would rather have them read 10 or 15 days in a month than not read at all.
So, I try to set a few goals that I WILL accomplish, and then a few goals that I would like to accomplish. I have learned that even though I won't do everything on my "like to" list, I am better for trying. Mostly I have realized though that setting goals is the way that I become a better person. Without them I find myself wasting the precious time that I have been given. So as I have been pondering what I would like to work on, these are a few of the things I have come up with.
- Read the Book of Mormon all the way through. (This one is always on my list, the day is just better when I read from it's pages.)
- Attend the temple 4 times a month
- Read at least two volumes of the Mortal Messiah
- Finish Personal Progress and receive my second Young Women's medallion
- Scrapbook pictures from 2011
- Read at least 3 classics this year
- Read Pres. Monson's biography
- Finish Ashley's scrapbooks, Arches scrapbook, and another year of printed pictures
- Paint Jared's room
- Paint main floor bathroom/laundry room
- Paint the deck
(Sometimes my like to do list includes things I have absolutely no desire to do, like paint anything. However the painting projects should be done, even need to be done, so that is why they are on the list.)
Annette, you have great goals! That is one thing I remember well and enjoyed from when you were Relief Society President--the spiritual goals we did. P.S. I will help you paint Jaredn's room (it is always more fun to do someone else's work!!)