Nov 15, 2011

Loss of Brain Cells

Last night we watched Nacho Libre together, and I think I am now dumber because of it.  The kids had seen it and wanted Tony to see it.  Why you might ask? Because watching Tony during a stupid movie is usually more entertaining than the movie itself.  For example, Tony and I went to see Napoleon Dynamite one evening.  He was laughing so hard that the people sitting around us were watching him, and not the movie.  We are movie lovers in our house and have quite a large library.  I don't think I will be adding Nacho Libre to our library anytime soon.
People often ask me what my favorite movie is, and I just can 't answer-there are far too many that I love.  
Some of my favorite movies are:
The Fugitive-great action movie plus Harrison Ford is in it
Remember the Titans-best sports movie ever.  I can watch it over and over and still love it.
Sound of Music-love this musical.  I love musicals in general though, I grew up watching them. My list of favorite musicals is looong.
Princess Bride-great movie that is truly funny.
Pride and Prejudice(BBC version)-best long movie adaptation of a favorite novel

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