The last month is pretty much a blur in my mind. Getting ready to send Alexis off Wednesday, added onto all the normal things we do around here, makes for blurs. Truly though this has been a wonderful experience, and although I am sad that I won't see her for 18 months, I have felt and still feel an overwhelming sense of peace that she is exactly where she needs to be.

I committed to reading the Book of Mormon in 60 days with Alexis before she entered the MTC (I finished Wednesday morning before she left!), and it was very interesting in this reading how so many of the scriptures applied to missionary work. I am sure they were there before, but they were much more powerful as I was reading them while helping Lexie prepare to serve. Ammon and all the sons of Mosiah, Alma and Amulek, all the Nephi's- what amazing missionaries. What great things we can learn from them and their examples. One of the stories that was particularly meaningful to me was the stripling warriors. These young men who were faithful and courageous who obeyed every command with exactness changed the outcome of the war with the Lamanites. At times when the rest of the Nephite army was ready to give way, the stripling warriors remained strong inspiring the whole army. As the missionary age has now been lowered, the Lord's army of missionaries if now even younger. They don't fight with a metal sword, but with the sword of truth. As I read these chapters again, I thought of my own stripling warrior that I was sending out. I thought of Pres. Monson's announcement and how I felt and continue to feel an excitement and power as the Lord is hastening his work. Elder Holland said, "There is an enthusiasm, and excitement, a zeal right right now that is unlike anything I know of in recent years." I feel it too, the excitement has permeated our home and hearts. As I think of all the great youth that have responded to this call necessitating the creation of 58 new missions, I feel abundantly blessed to have a daughter out at this time. I pray that, and have confidence that even though she is young, her mind is firm and she will put her trust in God continually (Alma 57:27).
The three "Australians" on Sunday |
Sister Benjamin and her grandparents on Tuesday night |
The last few days with Alexis were wonderful and emotionally draining, I feel a bone deep exhaustion. Her farewell was Sunday, we had an I love Lexie Family Home Evening and did most of her packing (not fun), Tuesday we did family pictures and she and her cousin were set apart, then Wednesday we took her to the MTC. We are missing her already, but would never want her to be anywhere else. I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that helps us do hard things, and even some how helps us to be happy while we are doing them. I am also grateful that He allows us to love so deeply that we do miss our loved ones while we are temporarily separated. In the mean time I can't wait to get that first letter to find out how she is handling the MTC ( yes, I miss the instant gratification of texting!) and surviving the food that she says she won't be eating (she said, Mom I have helped fix that food-there is no way I am eating it). I know she is in good hands, the BEST actually.
Interesting insight on the young stripling warriors who were the ones that held things together at critical times instead of being a detriment because of the young age. I can also relate to many of the same feelings and exhaustion of course! I'm dying to get another letter tomorrow!