It seems like at the start of a new year you naturally spend time reminiscing about the year that has just ended. 2012 was a great one, but also an interesting one. There were some definite highs, but also some tough spots too. At the beginning of last year I said, "Who knows what changes will come in 2012, but it is probably best that I
don't know! Change is inevitable and out of my control. My attitude
is within my control though, so I plan to make 2012 a great one!" It was a great one, even though the events of 2012 make 2013 more unpredictable than normal. Some of the highlights of the past year for me (in no particular order)-
Love these people! The time I spend with them will always be my top highlight! |
- Missionary age change, Lexie's mission call and taking her to the temple. Wow! It has been an incredible experience.
- Going to the Brigham City Temple open house. I still call Brigham City home, or at least my part home. Loved watching it be built right across the street from my "ice cream" tabernacle. (When I was a kid I thought all the spires on the tabernacle looked like ice cream-just in case you were wondering)
- Going to trek. I don't really like camping, and I hate being dirty, but I love Trek. What a spiritually uplifting experience it has been both times. The youth are amazing! I also always come home with a renewed desire to be faithful just like my pioneer ancestors.
- Watching my children grow and develop their testimonies. What a blessing to have them share these life changing experiences with me.
- Girl's Camp-love the young woman and love the leaders that I have the privilege to work with.
- Summer trip Back East-It was a fantastic experience from start to finish. We haven't ever done this kind of family trip before, but I just felt so strongly that we should. Now with the events of the last few months it makes a lot more sense as to why the timing was so important. I have always wanted to take my kids to the Sacred Grove- to actually be able to do it was a dream come true.
- Celebrating my Mom's 80th Birthday-I feel blessed beyond measure to have my parents both still living and healthy to boot. Their lives are not without challenges, but I am so grateful that all my kids have had the opportunity to form strong and memorable relationships with their grandparents, something I wasn't given the opportunity to do in this life. (I look forward to making up for it later!)
- Tony losing his job. How is this a highlight you might ask? is because through these experiences I can so clearly see the hand of God in my life. Trials usually come to us because there is something we need to learn, so we always joke that we will try to learn whatever it is as quickly as possible!
- Jared finishing his Eagle Project. Oh the weight that has been lifted to not have that constantly nagging at me. Grateful for his effort and hard work to make it happen!
I am sure there were many other highlights, but that is what comes to mind right now. I wrote my first check of the new year, and I remembered to write 2013. I think it's a sign that it will be a great year, even with the changes!
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