Christmas Eve 2011 |
You know when you were a kid, and life moved at a snail's pace? One Christmas was an eternity away from the next one? Now I swear they come a couple weeks apart. 2011 was a good year for us overall, but definitely one that brought a few changes that rocked the boat a little. Here are some of the things that stand out about the past year for me.
- Tony was called as the Bishop of our ward in February. I believe this has been a harder change for Tony then for me...for the first few months he was gone a lot, and not necessarily home even when he was home. He still has some times when it is very hard for him, but we definitely see the blessings too. There is no doubt in my mind that the Lord helps us to do all that He asks of us.
- Watching Jimmer play! Yes remember me the avid BYU fan? Well we went to a few games in the Marriott Center this year, and it was a blast. We got to go to the sold-out SDSU game. The Marriott Center was electric. That game is now on my list of top ten favorite BYU sports moments.
- I was called to be the Beehive advisor, first time serving with the Young Women. (Later in the year I was called to the 2nd counselor in the YW presidency, and then in October I was called to be the 1st counselor.)
- In April, Tony and I and the three youngest kids took a quick trip to Disneyland. I thought Tony needed a little time away and the kids are always up for a trip to Disneyland. We had a great time! I think it just might be the happiest place on earth-just like they say.
- Lexie was accepted to BYU, making her dream to attend there a reality. She graduated from high school the first week of June, and spent the summer taking a class at BYU and working as a lifeguard at Lagoon.
- Jared got his first real job at Lagoon also. I had never wanted my kids to work at Lagoon because of it's crazy hours and being open on Sunday. We found out that the waterparks hours are not so crazy, and my kids asked for Sunday off, and they gave it to them. It was great.
- We spent the 4th of July in Island Park at the cabin. I love that place. So peaceful, so beautiful. Love it there! Fun to be there with all 7 of us, and some of my family too.
- Girl's Camp-I was the camp director, which was more fun than I expected it to be.
- Adult trip to the cabin in August to celebrate my Dad's 80th birthday. So grateful for him! Couldn't ask for a better Dad.
- Breanna started junior high. Only Grant is left at the elementary school.
- Ashley and Alexis both went to college. Ashley started her junior year at Utah State, Alexis was a freshman at BYU. This was a hard change for me. The house was so quiet with them both gone. I didn't like it one bit!
- In October we made a quick trip to Zion's National Park. Loved that too! I have really become quite the nature lover. Still not much of a camper though. I love to explore nature during the day, and then sleep in a bed at night and take a shower in the morning. It is much easier to enjoy nature when you don't all smell!
- Ashley struggled with carpal tunnel, and was not able to do her juries. That was frustrating for her, but she was and is trying to deal with it all with patience and faith. (Perhaps more faith then patience.)
- Christmas was fantastic. Everyone has been home, Tony took time off work, and we enjoyed being together watching movies, playing games and eating way too much. (Job for January-losing all the weight!)
Who knows what changes will come in 2012, but it is probably best that I don't know! Change is inevitable and out of my control. My attitude is within my control though, so I plan to make 2012 a great one!
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