Ashley in our house in Provo. Love old photos and memories. |
As I was walking through the store yesterday, they of course had Christmas music playing-it is the season officially now. As I was walking down a toy aisle a new song started. It was Barbra Streisand's version of "My Favorite Things." I realize that there are lots of songs that don't deal specifically with Christmas, but I just wondered who decided that that song was a Christmas song? I love the Sound of Music, it is one of my all time favorites, but I associate that song with summer and thunderstorms. I also like that in the movie it is upbeat and happy, but it has never struck me as something that should be sung this time of year. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I for one vote that it should not be sung at Christmas time, especially not the Barbra Streisand version. Totally made a happy song all gloomy and depressing, it did not make me feel better. So I will not be adding it to my favorites list anytime soon.
Some of my favorites are:
- Carpenter's Christmas album-love it, we play it every Christmas morning. (Love thinking about my Dad trying to sing Merry Christmas Darling-had to do it in falsetto. It was hilarious)
- The Osmond's Christmas album-always have been a fan of the Osmond's
- Andy Williams-The best version of "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year"
- The Forgotten Carols-The Innkeeper always makes me stop and think.
- Bing Crosby singing White Christmas, love the movie, love the song. Nobody sings it like Bing.
- Twas The Night Before Christmas-Twitchell version-we sang this every Christmas Eve at my Aunt Helen's Christmas Party. I always thought my Dad would make a good Santa Claus (he could even do the white beard now if he would let it grow) I loved the little flannel pictures that it was my job to put up on the board while we sang.
- Any Christmas song that we sang around the piano together as a family. It was a favorite family past time to gather around the piano and sing all the time, but I loved doing it at Christmas time especially.
- The Christmas Hymns-love December and singing the Christmas hymns every Sunday.
- Christmas music that my kids play on the piano. It is always their favorite music to play, and they will practice those songs without complaint. Jared spent several hours (no exaggeration) practicing yesterday learning the Jon Schmidt version of I Saw Three Ships.
Jared performing his Christmas piece. |
I agree about the Barbara Streisand version of My Favorite Things. I think they probably were playing it because it is on her Christmas Album which I have,and love, all except that one song. I love Christmas music wish I could play it more than one month a year.