Five of the six-hadn't baked the Pecan Pie yet. |
Thanksgiving has come and gone and the Christmas decor is now adding a little holiday sparkle to our home, but it just wouldn't seem right to not have a post dedicated to Thanksgiving. It is so nice to have a little time to just relax and enjoy family, food, football and food. (yes, I meant to type food twice-which is why I will be exercising extra this coming week). The girl's both came home on Tuesday evening, and I have thoroughly enjoyed having all 7 Benjamin's under the same roof again. It is louder and messier, but so much better.
Highlights of the Holiday
- Five Guys Tuesday evening (Jared ate a 1/2 lb. hamburger and wanted another one. What I want to know is where he puts it?)
- H&M with the girls on Wednesday. Not sure what the big deal is about that store, but it was packed. Gave me just a little bit of claustrophobia.
- Harry Potter night.
- Pie making. I made 6 pies while Tony and the kids played football and then basketball with the kids. Only have one pie left, that I am sure Tony will take care of.
- Thanksgiving dinner with family. Eating way too much.
- Seeing the Tanner's cute little grandkids. (I think I am ready to be a grandma. I need to buy baby stuff again.)
- Sock shopping with Tony.
- Leftovers Friday evening.
- Kneader's for breakfast with Breanna and Tony. Wow, the French Toast is to die for.
- Putting up the Christmas decorations.
- Lexie's loudness.
- Ashley constantly saying-I can't, I have Carpal Tunnel. (unfortunately she does, but she is trying to make the best of it-hard when you are a piano major though).
Thanksgiving festivities were a little too much for them. |
I am so thankful for my family. Nothing makes me happier then being with my kids, and watching them get along so well. Having Tony home too, made it a special treat. I have much to be thankful for. I am thankful for my amazing parents and my sisters. How grateful I am to still have Mom & Dad here with us and still healthy and happy. Funny thing I have acquired a pretty nasty cold this week, but I still have enjoyed every minute of this holiday. And I feel grateful that it didn't hit hard until after Thursday so I could still taste the food. Any mention of gratitude has to include the Savior, for He has made the things I treasure most possible. To quote from
The Living Christ-"He is the
light, the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path that leads
to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come. God be
thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son."