Sunday is just such a good time to ponder what is going on in my life and that of my family. It's a good time to review the week past, and the week ahead. This is what's on my mind at the moment...
Enjoyed watching 17 Miracles again with my children on Monday for FHE. Breanna said it was the best movie she had ever seen, and even Grant said it made him cry. I am grateful for my pioneer ancestors who gave up so much so that I could have the gospel today. It's good to think about your ancestors, I love to learn about them, and I do feel a connection to them that I can't really describe.
This week I was reading in Romans and these verses in Chapter 8 really touched me-
35 Who shall separate us from the alove of Christ? shall btribulation, or distress, or cpersecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
36 As it is written, For thy sake we are akilled all the day long; we are accounted as bsheep for the slaughter.
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to aseparate us from the blove of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Don't you just love that? Nothing can separate us from the love of God-only by our own choosing can that happen. But I especially like that with God fighting for us, it doesn't matter who is against us. It just brought me such an overwhelming feeling of peace.
Breanna took ice cream with her on the bus Thursday morning. She told me about it after school, and she assured me that she had breakfast before the ice cream. I looked at her, and with my best mother voice I said, "Breanna!" She said, "It's ok Mom, you weren't awake." Got to love her.
Saturday evening was the RS broadcast. Loved it, and surprise, surprise Pres. Uchtdorf's talk was amazing. He is rapidly becoming one of my favorites (if it's ok to have favorites).
There was a time in my life when I had decided I couldn't be happy until certain things had happened. (Tony finishing school was the biggest one). I was moody and unhappy a lot, and had some other difficult things I had to deal with. I learned through a conference talk, and some scriptures that I happened to come across in the D&C that changed my perspective, taught me gratitude, and made me realize that it was time to buck up. I could be happy now if I focused on what I had. Some days this lesson is hard to remember, but as I listened to Pres. Uchtdorf those feelings came back along with the immense feelings of love that I felt when an apostle of the Lord told me that the Lord loved me and was aware of me. I know it's true! I think I am going to plant some forget me not flowers next year.
Fun to have Lexie home for a little bit. Miss her being here all the time. ( I miss Ashley too. I don't think I will like being an empty nester. Good thing I still have a few years.)
Loved studying Preach My Gospel with my son today. We didn't do much, and nothing earth shaking happened, just the quiet confirmation of the spirit that it was a good thing.
Attempted French Bread for the first time today-not exactly a success. Still tasted good even though it looked like a bread glob.
Loved making fresh salsa with Tony and the kids. Family is the best.
Love family scripture study with the kids-never know what will happen. It most often ends in laughter and sometimes fights, but hey we are doing it. The best is Grant who hates to sound out words, always has. So if he doesn't immediately recognize a word he just says one that starts with that letter. It really is quite comical sometimes.
I need to be more patient, some kids just know how to push my buttons.
General Conference is next week. Love, love, love it. Two best weekends of the year.
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by Shawna Banagas |
Fun to have Lexie home for a little bit. Miss her being here all the time. ( I miss Ashley too. I don't think I will like being an empty nester. Good thing I still have a few years.)
Loved studying Preach My Gospel with my son today. We didn't do much, and nothing earth shaking happened, just the quiet confirmation of the spirit that it was a good thing.
Attempted French Bread for the first time today-not exactly a success. Still tasted good even though it looked like a bread glob.
Loved making fresh salsa with Tony and the kids. Family is the best.
Love family scripture study with the kids-never know what will happen. It most often ends in laughter and sometimes fights, but hey we are doing it. The best is Grant who hates to sound out words, always has. So if he doesn't immediately recognize a word he just says one that starts with that letter. It really is quite comical sometimes.
I need to be more patient, some kids just know how to push my buttons.
General Conference is next week. Love, love, love it. Two best weekends of the year.
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