Ashley came to our home full of life right from the start. She is and always has been spunky and even sassy. She has always entertained with her antics, and although maturity has somewhat mellowed her spunkiness you just never know quite what to expect especially when she is with her siblings. She has a joy and enthusiasm for life that is contagious.
Ashley is an ideal oldest sister, even though she has struggled with the fact that no one thinks she is the oldest. She has always been responsible and concerned about her siblings, and has mothered them even when they didn't always want to be mothered. She started babysitting for us at a very young age, because she usually ended up taking care of the kids because the babysitter couldn't. They all know that they can tell Ashley anything and that she will listen. She takes her youngest brother to get snow cones, learns High School Musical dances with Breanna, will talk to Jared for as long as he wants to talk, and has become Alexis' best friend. She is a great example and they all look up to her, (figuratively not literally of course.)
One of things I love about Ashley is her obsessions. She gets interested in something and it becomes a passion. She started reading Harry Potter when she was 9, for example, and has never stopped. Sometimes I think she might think he is real. She loves the movies, the trivia and all things Harry Potter. Lets not forget her obsessions about Boy Meets World, Michael Jackson, and iPhones. And of course her parents couldn't be prouder that she became passionate about BYU football, even if it took until 2006 to get her there. There is nothing like having a child cry with you in an intensefootball game with a spectacular come from behind finish.

Ashley of course is not perfect, no one is, but I love that she works through challenges, attacks her weaknesses and earnestly strives to accept the Lord's will for her even when it isn't exactly what she wants. I love her fiery and fun disposition, and I love that red hair! Happy Birthday Ashley!!