There are so many thoughts running through my head that I am afraid that any attempt to put anything in word form could be dangerous. I will attempt it anyway.
First off some updates-
-Took Lexie to the temple. Words cannot express how amazing this was. To hear her desire to attend the temple, to see her willing and anxious to do all that is required of her. Tears still stream down my cheeks when I think of it. I love the gospel, I love the temple, and I love that my family is mine forever.
-Finished an Eagle Project. My son has been one project away from his eagle for almost two years...he collected over 400 books for the prison branch. So grateful for the young men who helped him and for all the generous donations. It was cool to see, and they are finally out of my family room! (I had visions of Christmas morning surrounded by eagle project books.)

-When you feel change is imminent in your life..buckle up! Silly me for thinking that the change was Lexie going on a mission. More change is coming as Tony was informed that he will be losing his job next year as they continue to downsize and eliminate jobs in his office. We were kind of expecting this at some point, but...anyway try as I might to work myself up about this, I feel calm. I have no idea what the future holds for us, but I do know that the Lord will provide. He always does, maybe not always in the way I want, but always in the way I need. So we will go forward with faith. Last time this happened it proved to be a great blessing in our life. We are hoping this time works out the same.
-Have attended two of my children's Christmas concerts. First was Ashley's in Logan, and then the high school one last night. I love music, especially Christmas music. It brightens my spirit, and fills my heart.
-Spent hours reading and learning about the new curriculum for the youth. I get to teach the first lesson of the year! It could be interesting, but I am really excited about this new program. It will stretch me as a parent and a leader, and I hope will stretch my children as they work to strengthen their own testimonies and become converted.
-Participated in wonderful family traditions that never fail to strengthen my testimony, and remind me of the blessings in my life.
I have done a lot of thinking over the past week about the church, my role in it, and my responsibilities, and if it is appropriate to wear pants to church. I have also thought a lot about all the families affected by the shooting in Conneticut. I originally wrote about both of these things, but it just didn't feel right. I have an opinion, yes, but there is too much hatred in the world, too much judging inside and out of the church, and too much focus on things that don't heal hearts, and don't bring peace to troubled people everywhere. I feel deep gratitude for my Savior, and have felt His peace in my own troubled times. I have lots of favorite scriptures, but there are two that always bring me comfort. I have shared them with my children when they have been scared or worried. One is found in John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." The other is found in the Doctrine and Covenants 84:88 "And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your
face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit
shall be in your hearts, and mine
angels round about you, to bear you up." I love Christmas time, with it's daily reminders of what life is
all about. I pray for those who have lost loved ones, and I might just
hold my own a little tighter this holiday season.