A couple of weeks ago we loaded up all the Young Women and went to Lava Hot Springs for girl's camp. I only had the opportunity to go to girl's camp twice as a youth, then we went off to Brazil where they either didn't have it or I didn't go. (I don't know which) Even though I am not much of a camper, I have really enjoyed the opportunity I have had for the last two years to go to camp. The young women in our ward are amazing, all week they were helpful and enthusiastic. And an added bonus is that I get to be there with my youngest daughter.
Our theme for the week was Just Look Up taken from Elder Cook's talk in October 2011 General Conference. He talked about being overwhelmed by his calling as a general authority and stepping into the elevator with his head down. Some one else entered the elevator, but he didn't even look up. The person asked him what he was looking at down there, and Elder Cook recognized Pres. Monson's voice. Pres. Monson pointed heavenward and told Elder Cook, "It's better to look up." So true always! Elder Cook said, "President Monson’s encouragement to look up is a metaphor for
remembering Christ. As we remember Him and trust in His power, we
receive strength through His Atonement. It is the means whereby we can
be relieved of our anxieties, our burdens, and our suffering. It is the
means whereby we can be forgiven and healed from the pain of our sins.
It is the means whereby we can receive the faith and strength to endure
all things." We all face challenges, but we can face them if we are looking up to and relying on our Savior. It was a great theme for camp!

We had such a great time at camp! We got to tube down the river, swim at the Olympic-sized pool in Lava, participate in service opportunities, sing silly songs, sleep far too little, eat delicious food (had to put a plug in for my menu planning skills, and for enlisting Bro. Wesche for making a most excellent Dutch Oven Dinner Thursday evening), laughing a lot, and being spiritually fed.
Yes that would be the Bishop in the middle. :) I think the girl's loved his Barbie impression too. |
The only thing better about girl's camp is coming home to a bed in a quiet room where no cows moo/moan!